ASSOCIATION - Activity "SZÍN-TÉR"/Association of theatre and storytelling
Founded in 1991, the aim of the association "SCENE-TIME" is to:
- Cultural, public, performing arts, film production activities
- Preservation of cultural heritage
- Creating cultural values
- Community development activities, with particular emphasis on the development of youth and family communities, and the promotion of cultural leisure activities
- Promotion of Hungarian literary and theatrical culture
- Promotion of Hungarian film culture
- Promotion of Hungarian music culture
- Organisation of CSR activities
- Artistic education, transmission of cultural values
- Improving equal opportunities and accessibility in local public cultural activities
Our association carries out the above cultural and community development activities for public benefit in relation to the following public tasks:
- "Creation of performing arts values and productions that can be used by others (poetry, theatre, music, concerts, contemporary performance art productions), editing, creation and presentation of programmes linked to national and traditional festivals; creation and presentation of tourist interpretations and cultural attractions that can be used by others; development, creation and presentation of public cultural activities, folk art and traditional values; artistic education, creative arts, film production activities for the benefit of others, film production, television and radio broadcasting, supplementary artistic activities, other entertainment not elsewhere classified, improvement of the conditions for artistic creation, community cultural traditions, cultural traditions and values, support for the activities of cultural communities, support for the realisation of cultural objectives aimed at improving the lifestyle of the population, support for artistic institutions/community/civil artistic initiatives, self-organisation, and in this context support for the creation and preservation of artistic assets of the local community; local protection of cultural heritage, support for local public cultural activities, ensuring equal opportunities in local public cultural activities. "
Within the organisational framework of the "SZÍN- TÉR" Drama and Poetry Association, Székesfehérvár's largest independent theatre company, 65. éve alapított független színházi társulata, a Szabad Színház és utánpótlás csoportjai, a Prikulics Gyermekszínház, és a Vasvári Színpad. The company of the Free Theatre is made up of the middle (40-50 years old) and younger (18-30) generations. In cooperation with the Sound-Theatre-Space School of Arts, an urban children's theatre group of children aged 8-14 is studying acting in a school-based primary education programme. The "Prikulics Children's Theatre"currently has 24 members. The Vasvári Theatre, a group of high school students, also works with a varying number of 20-30 students each year. The companies' permanent venue is the Igéző, located in the centre of Székesfehérvár on Fő Street. This community space is also one of our most prominent cultural innovations,as we have transformed a former bank building into a community space known as a "creative energy hub", which encourages constant renewal and artistic action in the direction of the pedestrian street. One of our main identity elements is the evening story (sometimes adult stories at night) that is broadcast to the street audience, performed by a different member of the company each night. The Igéző has attracted nearly 25 000 visitors, making it a real community meeting place az elmúlt tíz év alatt.
The Free Theatre's main cultural asset is that it brings together a wide range of age groups in a unique way in the country,, valamint a magyar színjátszás hagyományait követi.
2024-ben PRO THEATRO díjat kaptunk, valamint 2014-ben appreciation elismerésben részesültünk. Küldetésünk: a kőszínházi előadások mellett a nyári utcaszínházi előadások, misztérium-, és moralitásjátékok mai változatainak bemutatása, történelmi interpretációk fejlesztése, a magyar színjátszó hagyományok követése, és értő közvetítése, filmek létrehozása.
Our repertoire is tailored to the needs of our niche market, as we have a very good relationship with the Vörösmarty Theatre in Székesfehérvár and we do not wish to compete or rival. Rather, we want to help each other. We also create at least one co-production performance a year. Thanks to this conscious cooperation, our productions are mainly curiosity productions for studios, youth, puppets or alternative productions, which cannot be seen in today's big theatres. Since we work with a repertoire for a very well-defined audience, our work is characterised by a consistent construction.
According to our artistic concept, we are trying to develop pure genre productions that are almost alternative today ( since we are not just registering a cultural innovationand that can be a curiosity for both the local residents and the people living in the area and tourists. For example, our productions that follow the traditions of European and Hungarian historical theatre and are considered as absolute cultural and tourist innovations, such as the Living Chronicle, a serene interactive musical street theatre and guided tour of the city, which retraces the history of the city in living images during the summer. We are also keen to experiment with early theatrical genres. We present ancient interpretative plays, shadow plays, farces, mystery and morality plays, fabula atellane, puppet and giant puppet productions. We often collaborate with contemporary artists from the city who are already working in different genres, such as dancers, visual and applied artists, musicians, martial artists. Thanks to this good relationship, our puppet performances are live music and our artistic projects are always innovative and create a new genre. We apply for funding to cover the costs of putting on various events and productions, and these funds are used to cover the cost of sets and costumes. The props and costumes for performances also include sponsorship donations. Our association works with nearly 40 volunteers. We are an indispensable part of the historic city centre, both for major events that define the city's image and for smaller contemporary attractions. We "take poetry and storytelling to the streets", we animate the museum's archaeological treasures, we research and revive the legends of the ancient city (like the Living Chronicle interactive guided tour above We consciously use artistic tools for community development. Intézményünkben a színházon kívül kiállítások, és más művészeti ágakhoz kötődő social events events related to other arts. Our repertoire has been characterised by a diversity of genres. We also make short films, which we regularly compete in various festivals, with good results.
We coordinate or help organise and contribute to more than twenty different types of cultural and community development events,and we are the initiators or founding organisers of most of the major events that have attracted crowds, as well as being involved in scientific research.

Szabóné Nagy Judit
Publications and directed productions by Mrs. Judit Nagy

Magony Imre
Publications by Mr. Imre Magony

Mr. Miklós Szabó

Mrs. Tünde Kövesi
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