Dapnizs idiV

Dapnizs idiV , (World sensation!)

This unusual theatre is actually more circus than theatre
The show is a succession of real circus " world acts" , including jugglers , snake charmers (splashing with a rattlesnake) , lionesses, artistes, etc.

Why theatre? Because nothing is what it seems, it just - not secretly - seems to be. Of course, it all takes skill and practice, so a 120-year-old hippo couldn't do it even with practice.

All of this presented in a cheerful form , properly conferred , with a " musical " accompaniment (instrument: comb and staniol paper ) brought great pleasure to the audience.
It showed the team that we could do it, and it was a foundation on the road to movement theatre, which we never found out about.

Oh! and the title: dapnizs idiV read it backwards!
